Have you ever found yourself questioning your relationship, wondering if something just isn’t right? Perhaps you’ve noticed behaviors in your partner that leave you feeling confused, hurt, or even afraid. The possibility that someone who claims to love you could be causing you harm is beyond reasonable. Yet, emotional abuse can often be subtle, insidious, …
Marriage Problems
However, for years and years, some of the most common reasons for divorce stay the same. Maybe there’s something crucial that the psychologists cannot identify yet. Maybe we cannot be changed. Maybe we don’t want to change. Love and marriage are still considered a blessing, but …
43% of first marriages end up with divorce, and the higher the number of marriages in your pocket, the higher the chances of getting divorced again and again. As a married woman, I can confirm that the idea of getting divorced sounds just as pleasant as spending a night in an abandoned haunted old manor. …
Marriage counselling becomes more and more popular in the last years, and the debates on the benefits of it are all over the internet. Most of the people that are satisfied or not with their therapy are making significant statements based only on their experience. But what is couples counselling?
How do you know when your marriage is falling apart? Aren’t you tired of getting less happiness in your marriage than you deserve? Do you have a feeling your marriage is failing and how to know if it really does? There are 7 main signs your marriage is falling apart, and if you tick off all …
This post won’t be easy to read and won’t be polite. It’s an emotional appeal to someone I know and who is cheating on his wife. Unfortunately, it is not my job to make things right or to interfere in the situation. But it disturbs me and I hope by expressing my emotions here I …
How To Deal With a Disrespectful Partner in a Self-Respectful Way Dealing with a disrespectful partner is a very delicate thing to do. I’ve already listed 10 signs of lack of respect in a relationship, and as the post gets more and more popular, I decided it’s time to create a mini-guide on how to deal …
Which one is more important? Love or Money? What About Financial Infidelity? Fact: Financial infidelity could hurt even more than an affair. Another fact: 70% of the divorced couples out there point “money” as the main reason for their failed marriage. Does that mean money is more important than love? Are you doomed to be unhappy …
Financial Infidelity and Financial Abuse Signs, Action Steps and Statistics. Financial Infidelity Grounds for Divorce. Does your spouse act weird when it comes to money and don’t want to talk over money issues? Do you feel helpless when you try to start a conversation about saving/spending/anything! Regarding money? Or maybe they just ignore your hints …