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77 Simple Tips on How To Love Your Wife and Make Her Feel It

Do you want to learn how to love your wife in a way that she feels it and appreciates it?

What if you could rekindle your marriage and build the happiest and strongest marriage of your dreams?

OK, I know what you’re thinking…

You’ve probably tried countless ways to show your love for her.

But have you tried the following 77 tips on how to love your wife?

Not all of them, I’m sure.

I can guarantee you that no matter the state of your relationship right now, your lady will be crazy about you very soon. Just follow the steps.

So let’s get down to it.

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77 Simple Ways To Show Love For Your Wife and Actually Make Her Feel it

1. Start every day with “I love you.”

2. Respect her.

3. Look into her eyes when you’re talking.

4. Often touch her hands.

5. Kiss her forehead.

6. Hug her every day.

7. Kiss her goodnight.

8. Offer her your help with chores.

9. Gift her something small but thoughtful.

10. Plan a romantic weekend away.

Rekindle Your Marriage


11. Pour her a glass of wine at the end of a stressful day.

12. Tell her she’d the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen.

13. Express gratitude she’s your partner in life.

14. Cook for her.

15. Offer her a back massage or feet rub.

16. Really listen to her when she talks.

17. Often look her face to see if she’s happy.

18. Say “Thank you” after every meal she prepares for you.

19. Make her a cup of coffee or hot chocolate.

20. Hold her in your arms when she’s upset or stressed.

Show Your Wife Some Love


21. Take her out for an evening walk.

22. Hold her hand while walking.

23. Help with the children… more.

24. Convince her to have a day off the family and to spend it with her girls.

25. Dance with her in the middle of the living room.

26. Make her laugh every single morning.

27. Send her a love text message.

28. Prepare breakfast in the bed for her.

29. Buy her flowers.

30. Take her to the cinema and let her choose the cheesiest film ver. Don’t complain about it.

Healthy Relationship Action Plan


Simple Ways To Love Your Wife


31. Put your phone away and talk to her.

32. Ask her about her dreams and goals.

33. Offer to wash the dishes.

34. Prepare a bath for her and light some candles.

35. Do a striptease for her.

36. Often reach for her hand while you’re driving and kiss her.

37. Write a short love letter or find a love poem that reminds you of her.

38. Fill the tank of her car.

39. Create love songs playlist for her.

40. Get her an inspirational book for women, like one of these.


How To Love Your Wife Better


41. Compliment her every day.

42. Tell her how special she is.

43. Every time you come home, kiss her and hug her for a few minutes. Yes, minutes.

44. Prepare a romantic dinner at home for her.

45. Help her clean the house.

46. Keep your promises.

47. Create a photo collage of your best moments together.

48. Send the kids to your parents for the weekend and devote the days to your wife.

49. When you make love, kiss her more. Hug her more.

50. Plan a family day out and surprise her with it.

Show Your Wife She’s Special


51. Find the most romantic view of your town/city and take her there.

52. Support her in her decisions.

53. Don’t get mad at her because she talks about the same problem for over a week.

54. Do a chore instead of her.

55. Convince her to devote a full day to her hobby.

56. Give her a gift card for her favourite shop.

57. Make her feel safe with you.

58. Make her feel cherished and appreciated.

59. Ask her opinion on problems you are struggling with.

60. Fix her car when it brakes.

How to Be Romantic With Your Wife


61. Walk in the park together.

62. Go shopping with her.

63. Get her an audio version of her favourite book.

64. Remember the things she’s constantly “nagging” about and simply respect her wishes.

65. Take a shower together.

66. Kiss her on the neck, behind her ears, tickle her.

67. Visit her family earlier than planned.

68. Tell her she’s a strong and amazing woman. Often.

69. Always prioritise her when making plans.

70. Always look good for her.

Healthy Relationship Action Plan


Last Few Simple Ways To Love Your Spouse


71. Hide a love note in her purse.

72. Get her a cute new coffee/tea mug.

73. Plan one romantic gesture ever week.

74. Ask her how should you love her today.

75. Get her “Why I Love You” book.

76. Share a secret with her.

77.  Do everything for her with love and gratitude.

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Want to take your marriage to the next level of intimacy and happiness? Develop these 10 simple healthy relationship habits and you’re done.

Healthy Relationship Action Plan

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Sunday 6th of June 2021

Nice suggestions! Only the car is fine if it brakes. It’s only a problem if it breaks 😁


Saturday 23rd of January 2021

Thank you. It was a very helpful read. I took notes and will try to implement.


Monday 25th of January 2021

Happy to help!

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