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5 Morning Habits For Building a Strong Happy Relationship

How to have a happy relationship that could last forever?

What is a happy relationship?

How do you define if a relationship is happy?

Could you do something more to build a strong, long-lasting partnership with your loved one?

In this post, I will answer these and many more questions you have about creating a strong, long-lasting relationship that makes both of you happy.

I will also share 5 small habits that will get you there.

Years ago, when I was still single, I would look at many unhappy couples and would wonder why they weren’t happy. I thought that the fact there was someone else in their life should be enough to make them happy. I was also thinking that these people didn’t appreciate what they had.

I was right… to some extent.

Being in a relationship with someone doesn’t make you automatically happy, and even though you might love each other a lot… you could still mess things up to the point you both feel miserable.

What is a happy relationship?

In short, a happy relationship is a partnership between two people that has a healthy amount of communication, mutual understanding and support, maintains a good intimacy, the romance is still alive, both of you have the same life values, and you both work together towards achieving your dreams and goals.

That covers around 20% of the definition of a happy relationship. 

The truth is that many times, happy couples don’t even know what’s their secret. They just match together so good that they forget what made things so awesome

On the other hand, many unhappy relationships look like they cover the base and should be happy, but they aren’t.

So what’s the secret?

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What makes you happy in your relationship?


Over the years and being through many unhealthy relationships that “covered the base of happy relationships”, I learned something so stupidly simple that I’m almost ashamed to share it.

You see, it’s not the big dreams that you both chase that will make you thrive although they are important.

It isn’t the perfect communication skills you’ve both developed that will make things work. Yet, without communication, you’re doomed.

Your values are important, and if they don’t match things would be hard. However, it isn’t that the reason you’re happy/unhappy.

Great intimacy is crucial, but just that won’t make things right on the next morning. 

My Dirty Little Secret On How To Know If Your Relationship Is Happy

A while ago, I wrote this post on how to know if you are in a healthy relationship.

I talked about the one simple question you must ask yourself to find the truth if you want to be with this person for life or not.

Things are often simpler than we want them to be. And yes, the truth hides into this one question.

Imagine the most boring and ordinary day of your life with your partner. Nothing special happens, nothing unusual. It’s just a day of your life that none of you would remember in a week’s time. Now, close your eyes and ask yourself:

What if that is how my life would be from now on? Would that make me happy

Truth Bomb: 90% of your life is an endless chain of boring days.

I’m sorry, but that’s the truth.

We wake up, go to work, go home, prepare dinner, watch TV or read a book and go to sleep.

Maybe once or twice a week we go out with friends.

Probably we travel a few times a month to somewhere else (if at all).

We afford a holiday or two every year.

We explore a new hobby every now and then.

And that’s it.

Some people have more exciting lives, but the reality for most of us looks exactly like that.

In this case, isn’t it true if we say that our lives are made out of boring days more than of exciting adventures?

Yes, that’s right!

And there’s nothing wrong with it!

The Great Reason Behind This Life-Truth


I’ve concluded that the reason behind all this is very profound.

If life is made out of our boring days more than the exciting ones, aren’t these simple days more important than the big ones?

And if we transfer that into creating a strong, healthy relationship, we should ask the one simple question again:

If my life is an endless chain of ordinary days, am I willing to have this ordinary day for the rest of my life?

I already listed 10 crucial habits every healthy relationship has. 

Before that, I shared with you a secret for a long-lasting happy marriage, a security guard told me many years ago. I still do the things he told me to.

Now it’s time for diving deeper into the anatomy of a happy relationship and sharing 5 small morning habits you could practice every day to create happiness in your life with your loved one.

And remember: It’s the small things you do every day that count at the end. 

5 Morning Habits for Building a Happy Relationship

Here are 5 things to do every morning for maintaining health and the romance in your relationship. I do them all, and I know they work. Give them a chance to work for you too.

Also, don’t forget to check one of the best relationship challenges you could find – 14 Mornings To Your Perfect Relationship. It includes free printable too.

Happy Relationship Habit 1: Kiss and hug your loved one for at least a minute

Every morning find the time to reconnect with each other. That simple morning habit could rebuild your relationship from the ashes.

The physical touch early in the day will open your hearts and help you keep in mind that you aren’t alone. The mornings shouldn’t be about rushing through the bathroom and drinking hot coffee while trying to wake up your tired mind and body.

A simple hug for a minute will give you that feeling that everything’s fine and will calm you down.

Happy Relationship Habit 2: Do something for each other

Every morning I prepare the coffee for my partner and me, and sometimes a small breakfast if he wants to have it.

On the weekends, he is the one doing these things for me.

The act of care and service toward each other is one of the 5 love languages you or your partner might speak. If that’s true, doing small things for each other will make your relationship thrive in a matter of days.

In a world of selfishness and “me, me, me” be different and give instead of taking.

Happy Relationship Habit 3: Say The Magic Words


Look into your loved one’s eyes and tell them you love them.

Never underestimate the power of these words. I know many people believe that the more you say these words, the less meaning they have every time.

I disagree.

The secret is that you must mean it with your whole heart and look into the other’s eyes while saying them. Your soul speaks to his soul through your eyes, and that’s what makes I love you!” special every single time.

Happy Relationship Habit 4: Make Them Smile

We enjoy a healthy amount of humor in our relationship with my fiancée. That’s one of the things that help us survive waking up at 2:30 almost every morning.

Find reasons to smile and laugh together every morning, no matter what. It not only boosts up your mood but helps you share a happy moment together. People who laugh together stay together.

Happy Relationship Habit 5: Call your partner later in the morning


So, you are both off to work.

Don’t forget each other. 

Ladies, send him a message he really wants to receive. 

Guys, call her to see how the morning goes and to tell her you’re thinking about her.

It won’t take you longer than a few minutes, but it adds up to a happy relationship you will both enjoy.

Simple Habits Conclusion

Yes, I already said the habits are small and truth is, you shouldn’t do the impossible every day to prove your partner you love them.

The beauty of a healthy relationship is that the little things add up over time and create true happiness.

Love requires a lot, yet the only thing that it really needs is care and attention to the details.

Tips For Happy Relationship

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5 Morning habits for building a strong and happy relationship

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