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How To Impress a Guy On The First Date and Make Him Obsessed With You

What do guys notice on the first date?

He finally asked you out, and you are so excited. You already know what you’ll wear, and you know how to do your hair and makeup… but that’s about it.

How to impress him on the first date, so he asks you out on a second one as well? How to act? What should you tell him, and what should you ask him? Are there any rules for a first date when you really (really) like the guy and wouldn’t want to miss your chance with him?

Well, I’ve got plenty of tips for you today on how to impress your date and make him crave for more of you.

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How To Impress a Guy On The First Date

stylish couple on the street

Warm-up beforehand

It’s a good idea to lay some groundwork before going out on a date. Be it through texting or talking on the phone, try to be playful and get an idea of what he likes to do.

You can even take the lead and suggest where to meet/what to do on your first date. Don’t be afraid to be creative – men like it when women think outside the box. 

Try to be real 

Don’t pretend you are someone you’re clearly not. Some people get nervous before first dates and try too hard to impress their companion, but this can backfire if you’re not careful.

Instead, try to relax and be your most authentic self possible. After all, showing your true colors from the start can save you from a big heartbreak in the future. 

Dress to impress

No matter what the dress code for your date is, you should always aim to look good. Pick some clothes you look and feel good in. What’s even better is if you choose clothes that represent your uniqueness.

One more thing – don’t go overboard on the cleavage and the short skirts. It’s a good idea to leave some things to the imagination in the beginning. 

Brush off your dance moves

couple dancing on the street

Every boyfriend I’ve had loved to dance. What’s more, they were really pleased when I joined them on the dancefloor, even though I have two left feet.

If he asks you to dance, it’s more important for you to show some confidence and have fun, rather than participate in Dancing with the Stars. And who knows, maybe he can teach you a thing or two about swaying your hips. 

Keep your phone away 

No one likes it when their date starts texting on the dinner table – men and women alike.

Not being able to keep your fingers away from your phone communicates to your date that he isn’t interesting enough for you to pay attention to him. It comes across as rude, insensitive and if you do it, you’re probably not going to get a second date. 

Leave an element of mystery 

Sure, the goal of first dates is to get to know one another, but you want to pique his interest and tickle his curiosity.

You can have fun giving ambiguous answers, but not too much, as he might think you’re pretentious. Think about the kinds of first dates you enjoy – being able to catch the general vibe of the person but not completely figuring them out. This is what second dates are for. 

Get to know him 

couple on a date in the coffee place

Spend time to shine the light on him as well.

Don’t be tempted to ponder too much on boring and cliche questions such as what he does for a living. Instead, ask him about his interests, memorable childhood stories, what movie he would recommend to you and why, does he think aliens exist, and whether or not he enjoys the arts. Notice what makes him glow up and focus the conversation in that direction. 

Go with the flow

Hey, you can’t plan everything. Be open-minded and allow yourself to go with the flow of the date. You never know where it might lead you and as long as it doesn’t clash with your principles or boundaries, allow yourself to have fun. Who knows, you just might experience something you never have before. 

Be decisive

Men love decisive women – especially ones that know what they want to eat! Playing the damsel in distress isn’t very “in” these days. Dare to be bold, make decisions, and take control of certain moments during your date. He will surely notice that and raise his brows. Not many girls know what they want these days, so this is bound to get his attention. 

Avoid oversharing

Sometimes being an open book is a good thing, however being too open can backfire, especially on first dates. He probably doesn’t need to hear intricate details about what kind of gut disease you have or a sappy story about how your ex ditched you.

Keep the conversation light and controlled – but keep in mind that this doesn’t mean you should be shallow!

Offer to split the bill

I bet you could sense this one coming. Men are taught that they should take care of the bill after the first date, but in today’s age of gender equality, things sit a bit differently. Trust me; he will be pleasantly surprised if you are willing to pay your share for the dinner – even if he wouldn’t let you do so regardless.

Arrive on time 

Nothing makes a worse impression than being late on a first date. Or is it just me?

Being punctual for your meeting communicates to him that you are serious about your rendezvous and take him seriously. On the other hand, being late can be interpreted as if you have more important things to attend to. If you can’t help being late, at least let him know beforehand.

Give him a hug 

Don’t be afraid to establish physical contact. Depending on how comfortable you feel around him, a sweet hug upon meeting each other is bound to ease the tension. You can even keep lightly touching him throughout the date – but keep it PG-13! Think in terms of pinching him when he teases you, touching his hand when he shares something personal, etc.

Flirt away 

Throwing in some subtle flirtation in the mix is bound to have him begging for more. Keep in mind that you should adjust your flirtation levels to be appropriate for the flow of the date so it doesn’t get out of line. Smiling, establishing skin-to-skin contact, and holding his gaze usually do the trick and are subtle enough to grab his attention and warm him up.  

Joke around with him 

flirting couple

Men like a good sense of humor. If yours fits with this description, don’t be afraid to let it shine. He will notice your quirky, sarcastic side and will feel more at ease if you don’t take his jokes the wrong way. Better yet, if you are able to laugh at the same things together with him, he might even consider wifing you straight away. 

Pay attention to his words

Listen to what he has decided to share with you. Take note of any emotion in his voice, what he enjoys talking about and which topics he avoids. This will give you the ground to ask more meaningful questions that make him feel like he is really being heard. By doing so, you can establish a safe space between you two and instill confidence. 

Go easy on the alcohol

And I mean it. No one likes drunk first dates, and when it’s the woman that did the drinking, it can even come across as a bit pitiful. Show him you can handle your alcohol but have a drink or two if you are nervous or just enjoy drinking in general. Don’t think that you getting drunk will impress him or make things easier – likely; it will happen the other way around. 

Give him honest compliments

Most people enjoy being complimented – but only if the compliments are sincere. So don’t try too hard. Don’t shy away from sharing if something really made a positive impression on you, be it a personality trait, quality, or just the way he drinks his martini. He will feel good and will get the idea that you enjoy his company. 

Maintain your confidence

There is nothing more attractive than confidence. So avoid talking about how insecure you are about how you look or how many pounds you gained in the past three months. Except, of course, if it’s not in the context of a positive outlook (I may have gained a couple of pounds, but surprisingly, I like myself even more!). 

Keep it short and sweet

Don’t try to prolong your date if you feel that it’s nearing its end. After all, you are both barely acquainted, so understand that you both might need to back off a bit. Another thing is that men don’t like pushy and needy girls, so take this as an opportunity to think of the bigger picture. Besides, if you followed the tips in this article, he will be texting you no later than 10 minutes after you go your separate ways. 

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how to impress a guy on the first date

How To Impress a Guy On the First Date And Make Him Obsessed With You

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