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9 Magic Ways to SkyRocket Your Libido Right Now!

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How to skyrocket your libido by implementing new habits?

Isn’t it time to skyrocket your libido and keep it high?

Isn’t it time to make some small changes but enjoy big results?

Do you have a partner you love a lot, but somehow… your libido doesn’t react around him as you want it to react?

Well, don’t blame yourself for it – your libido doesn’t work with a voice command. Just because you lack a desire for fun in bed it doesn’t mean something’s wrong with you. 

Your libido depends on many things like stress, hormones, lifestyle, confidence, health habits, and a simple relationship with yourself.

But more about that later.

Whatever the reason, you know better than anyone how your normal urge for intimacy feels like. 

So, if something doesn’t match lately, there’s a reason behind it, and you will want to find it.

Before you start blaming yourself and feeling stupid you don’t want your man as much as you think you should try first focusing on your habits.

Life is a chain of everyday actions, and they depend on our habits. The way we feel is often just a habit as well.

If you accept, just for a second that all this is true, then all you need to do is replace your bad habits with new, good habits.

Life is a chain of everyday actions, and they depend on our habits. The way we feel is often just a habit as well. Click to Tweet


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It’s all in the head

As a woman, I must admit that low libido usually comes without a visible reason, and honestly, it’s all in the head.

You could be with the love of your life, everything is so perfect that you wonder if you’re awake or you’re dreaming.

But when it comes to “bedroom-stuff”, you’re just not there. Your thoughts are going from one topic to another, and you don’t feel in a mood for something like that.

Sounds familiar?

Here’s what you can do about it:

1. Could Meditation Help You Boost Your Libido?


The best thing about meditation is not that it sounds trendy and exotic at the same time.

The best thing is that it teaches you how to be present.

When you are in bed with your partner and want to “focus on the task”, your mind could either listen to you or fly around unable to stay in place. 

Well, meditation will do the dirty job for you. Focusing on the present moment has never been so hard as it is these days.

At the same time, we’ve never been so blessed with knowledge as we are now.

That is what meditation will help you with. Now is the only place and time that exists, and meditation will help your mind stay in bed, with you while trying to enjoy each other.

2. Stress affects your desire


I will not take too much of your time to preach about stress.

Everyone knows that stress kills the libido, along with every other good emotion in our body and mind.

On top of that, it could replace them with a long list of diseases you never wish to think about. 

One of the first things you want to do is to find the best way to relieve stress. I’ve already mentioned a few products that will help you relieve stress, but here are a few simple things you work on:

  • Change your perspective – We often stress over things that haven’t happened yet (and there’s a good possibility they never happen). It’s all about your perspective and the way you see the world. Getting worried over the future won’t change it. In fact, it will stop you from enjoying the present… and it affects your libido.
  • Look after yourself better – Take more breaks, holidays and days off. You think the company you work for will crash if you take a few days off? It won’t. To them, you’re just a dollar sign. I’m sorry, but it’s true.
  • Learn to love yourself better – loving yourself is essential for a healthy body and mind. Nothing in your life can give you joy if you aren’t at peace with yourself. I’ve got over 40 tips on how to love yourself right here. 
Everyone knows that stress kills the libido, along with every other good emotion in our body and mind. Click to Tweet

3. Read Something Pink…


One of the best ways to increase your libido right away is to read more books.

But not just any book. Choose chick-lit, love novella, something spicy, and a little bit ridiculous. Whatever your opinion of this genre, you’ll find something to keep you focused. Check bellow some ideas


4. Spare Some Time For You and Him


I know both of you work, you probably have kids, you are so busy that all you could think about is getting to bed and having a few hours of rest before the next chaotic day arrives.

However, making love is an act of intimacy and closeness that starts long before you get into bed.

Keeping things special and romantic between the two of you is essential for you.

Share your feelings, go back in your memories to some nice plays, open the photos on your phone, go through the crazy videos you have together. 

Here’s a personal story from a few months ago.

One day, my partner was feeling a bit down. There was no reason – just a cold, rainy day when nothing looks right nor bright. After we finished our telephone conversation, I went through my phone and found a video from one of our holidays at the seaside.

The video was showing few minutes of a sunrise – it was a colorful combination of the red sun, warm morning wind, the salty sound of the waves, our sleepy faces… it was the first time we welcomed the sunrise on the beach together, and it was one of my dreams come true.

So, I sent him the video. I knew it warmed his heart and took his mind to a better place, showing that there’s tomorrow as well. We had our warm mornings in the past, and we will have them in the future too.  

Show love, talk, share emotions and care. Your libido will thank you for that.

Making love is an act of intimacy and closeness that starts long before you get into bed. Click to Tweet

Here are a few ways to keep the romance

I’ve written a lot about how to keep the romance alive between couples and all of my posts will give you great ideas on how to spice up your relationship. 

Here are a few ideas that will certainly skyrocket your libido:

  • 14 Day Challenge for Couples – if you could find only 5 minutes in the morning for two weeks I promise to skyrocket your libido to a new level. This challenge for couples will help you get exactly where you want to be. 
  • 18 Love Coupons for Him – 18 love coupons that include everything you want and your guy will enjoy using them even more. Slow-dancing, cute kisses, naughty ideas – it’s all here. Click to download the love coupons right now, no email required
  • 50 Messages for Him – If it’s time to romance your man, express your love and melt his heart – this is the right place for you. Click to see 50 romantic messages for him that will melt his heart.

5. Visit The Park or The Gym to Boost Your Libido


Exercising is one of the best ways to increase your energy.

Jogging, lifting weights, walking or any other physical activity helps your body “wake up” for action.

Your adrenaline levels go high, and your blood starts “boiling”. All that will prepare you for the next exercise – testing your libido with your loved one.

6. Just Do It


Your private area’s muscles are still … just muscles, you know that.

Moreover, getting to the O-place is an actual contraction of your muscles in the intimate area of your body. Therefore, these muscles will contract at the right time, if you train them.

Kegel’s exercises are the best way to do it. There’re even weights specially designed for that if you need help to start. 

Being active in the bed is like the food, they say – the more you do it, the more you want to do it.

I guess we can agree that having pleasure could be a bit addictive, can’t we? It’s all about the intimacy and the feel of wholeness.

But it is true that making love with your partner is a habit as well, just like getting hungry every day in the same hours. Therefore, increasing the amount of time we are active in the bed could actually increase your libido.

With that said, just get in bed and get to work!

7. Use Your Imagination


Very often, the reason to miss out on high libido is that there’s nothing new to expect.

So why not…

Have a Naughty Thursday every week and do something different, experiment with your bodies.

Plan a romantic weekend away, explore your limits, get inspiration from movies.  Push your imagination to work in that direction, focus on it, and it will bloom.

BONUS IDEA: Play some couple’s games like Talk/Flirt/Dare or even LOOPY Game For Couples.

8. You Are What You Eat



Like, literally! Whatever you put on your plate will become your blood, skin, bones, muscles… well, YOU! 

That is why is so important to be aware of what you eat.

Junk food will not give you the energy to jump on your man at 10 pm tonight. 

All of that grease will force your body to work harder to process it – hence, no energy for anything else.

A healthy diet though will increase your energy and libido. Remember stress and tiredness? You can get rid of them, simply by changing your diet. Moreover, if you already eat healthily, include more of these foods in your meals.

They are on the top of the “boost your libido” food scale.

You are what you eat. Like, literally! Whatever you put on your plate will become your blood, skin, bones, muscles... well, YOU!  Click to Tweet

9. Medical Issues


Sometimes, the reason you just can’t make yourself feel in-a-mood is medical. Health reflects on absolutely every single aspect of your physical and emotional life. So, let’s say that the last habit is to pay more attention to your health.

Check for one of the following things:


During your monthly period, you lose iron. That is the reason many women feel tired all the time, they’re pale, experience a lack of energy and can’t wait to sleep for at least 10 hours.

You can easily check that by doing a blood test. Meanwhile, you can add more food rich ironing your blood, as well as getting food supplements to help you fight anemia.

Iron-rich foods are spinach, fish, eggs, beans, nuts, dried fruits, watercress, curly kale.

Your Pill


The primary job of your pill is to decrease the levels of testosterone, hence – no chance to conceive. However, testosterone is the main hormone that causes high levels of desire. By decreasing the levels of testosterone, you automatically put pressure on your libido. 

Consider consultation with your doctor regarding the change of the Pill or change the contraception method to see if your libido will be affected by it.



It is not only the testosterone that affects your desire for intimacy. Any hormonal misbalance will change it.

For example, progesterone. Low levels of it can cause mood swings, fertility problems, weight gain, crazy PMS and more.

If you feel like you live a normal, healthy life, you’re not in a stressful time of your life, but you just feel unhappy and unable to enjoy your partner’s love, consider hormonal disbalance check. It might be the reason you’re losing so much joy in life.

I hope you liked my healthy habits to skyrocket your libido, but more importantly – they helped you find the right direction to better your love life.

Three Subscription Boxes That Will Skyrocket Your Libido Instantly!!!


  • Big Oh! Box – A Subscription box from Cratejoy that will help you … well, get the Big Oh! You get toys and accessories to stimulate you and your partner’s appetite for more fun in the bed. Discrete packaging is a huge benefit here. Click to see photos of what you’ll get.
  • Surprise Honey! – No need to buy lingerie anymore. This subscription box will send you everything you need to make your man’s eyes watery. Wearing something like this will skyrocket both you and your partner’s libido. Click to see what you’ll get. 
  • Mystery Pleasure Box – With over 1 million products shipped yearly, Mystery Pleasure Box might just the thing you’re looking for today. The box promises you hot steamy fun. Isn’t that what you needed? Click to see what you’ll get.

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Simple Ways To Skyrocket Your Libido

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Sunday 9th of February 2020

I'm always aroused. Constantly. I have a very high libido. So not my problem. But I need mental stimulation. I need some foreplay. I need great communication. Or I get half hearted towards the person. I need to see there is an US beyond the lust.

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