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How To Make Him Fall In Love With You Forever | 10 Tips, FREE E-Book, a Video

Making a man like you is far more complex than making him fall in love with you. If your guy already has some feelings for you, loves to chat with you, and doesn’t tell you to forget about a relationship with him, things are going pretty well for you.

Okay, but how to make him fall in love with you forever, appreciate you, spend quality time with you and confess his feelings?

I have 10 tips for you that are about to change how you approach that awesome guy of yours and elevate your relationship to a level out of your dreams. On top of that, I will give you a free e-book and a video that will further help you implement tips that actually work.

Who am I? Besides being the woman behind this blog (that won the best relationship blog prize in 2019), I am also a true believer that building a relationship with the person you love takes hard work, and it’s not just about luck. Some people have those mutual feelings from the very start, but every couple has its unique beginning.

Moreover, for some reasons (maybe the reasons I will list below?) I’ve always been able to get along with the men I like, which has nothing to do with the fact that I was later regretting most of those choices.

So, what is the secret of making a man go crazy about you, confess his feelings, and admit he needs you in his life? What triggers his heart to beat synched to yours?

Can you really MAKE a man fall in love with you?

As I started from the very top, it’s way harder to make a man like you in the first place than to make him fall in love with you. Making him like you requires chemistry, a little bit of charm, and being in the right spot at the right time. Making him fall in love comes a second later when that chemistry is already present, and you want to move ahead with having a relationship with him.

In this post, I will teach you how to make him desperate to be with you, how to keep him in love afterward, and I will give you a look full of secret attraction triggers, for free, of course.

I hope you’re ready for this! We have a lot of work to do today!

10 Ways To Make A Man Love You Forever

1. Don’t Say Yes To Everything


There’s one thing I always try to explain to women. Men get annoyed if you disagree with them, but they will completely ignore you if you ALWAYS agree with them.

Being the Yes-woman in their life isn’t fun, isn’t challenging, and it won’t make him even remember you. You see, men have the basic need to prove themselves right (let me clarify, this is not gender-related, yet men tend to be more passionate about this stuff).

That essential need to prove themselves right is what would keep them engaged in a conversation with you even when there’s a football game on the screen behind you.

Of course, you don’t want to be on the opposite side for everything; just express your genuine opinion even if it doesn’t match his. I can’t tell you how easy it is to notice the spark in his eyes when he sees a good dialog coming his way. A man sees it as an opportunity to show knowledge, impress, and maybe change your perspective.

If that will happen or not depends on the topic and how the conversation goes. What matters to you is that he is intrigued and sees you as a normal person who has the guts to stand, oppose and defend themselves. That instantly brings respect into your relationship and makes him hooked on having a yet-another pleasant discussion with you.

2. Don’t Chase Him

I have no clue who said what and when… but coming up with the idea of the woman chasing the man truly doesn’t resonate with me at all. And it will never make sense in my world. Moreover, I don’t believe it works, at least not in the direction you want.

Imagine this…

You chase him and do everything he wishes. He walks around pretending you don’t exist and enjoys the ton of attention he gets. His ego is growing; he gets attached to that feeling, so he wants more of it. You end up in a relationship, and you want him to love you back. You want all the kisses, hugs, and romantic gestures. You want the attention and crave for him to give back at least a small percentage of what you have offered so far.

You get nothing, though, and it’s not his fault. You taught him that way and that’s how it will be from now on.

Stop chasing him. He will be flattered, but not impressed. Getting his attention and showing affection isn’t chasing.

Here are some thing I consider as chasing:

  • Texting him always first.
  • Always initiating the next date.
  • Asking him (literally) for his attention.
  • Acting like he is your only option in this world and making it obvious to him.
  • Ignoring his disrespectful behavior because acting upon it could damage your relationship.
  • Always agreeing to him and doing the impossible to make him happy.

3. Engage With Him In Conversations That Matter


Yes, I mentioned above that having a good talk with you will make you different in his eyes, but that was all about being on the opposite side when you truly disagree with him.

Most men complain that women never let them talk. Don’t be that type of woman. Having a conversation means that both of you share the talking stick, and you get to some point at the end. Engage with him in conversations that matter to both of you.

Learn your touching points (mutual interests, hobbies and so on) and bring value to those talks. He will enjoy it.

4. Be Unique and Yourself

This one is a bit tricky and annoying, isn’t it? Everyone says you should be yourself, but what would that even mean?

Will he really notice you if you are your true self? Shouldn’t you adjust to him a little bit?

Pretending to be who I am not broke my heart too many times. The last one led me to a devastating breakup, and I was healing from the relationship experience for years. When I met my fiancé, I decided never to be who I was expected to be. I was myself, and it worked in the best possible way.

Look at it from the other side: If you are not yourself at the beginning of your relationship, wouldn’t it be weird to “change” back to being yourself later? What if he did the same? What if he wasn’t his true self for the first six months of being with you? Would you appreciate it?

At the end of the day, a man wants to lay down to a woman who is honest with him and isn’t afraid to wear her true self.

5. Remember His Memories


Men love sharing their stories, ideas, moments of glory, and discoveries. Pay attention to those the first time he shares them, and then listen to them the next 300 times he shares them. Listen to him when he talks, and his eyes get dreamy and sparkly. That means he opens his heart for you.

Remember his stories, appreciate them as much as he does, and bring them up when it’s appropriate. Let him feel listened to.

6. Make Him Laugh

This is such a no-brainer, and I know it’s on every list of how to make him fall in love with you forever.. yet, I can’t skip on it.

It’s on every list because it’s important. The woman who makes a man laugh grabs his heart and holds it because she brings joy into his world. We, women, are often grumpy, troublesome, hormones are getting wild, and we are unpredictable. And that’s okay. But we also have to understand that building a relationship is a fun and enjoyable process.

Make him laugh, yet without being the clown in the relationship. A smile on his face is warmth in his heart caused by you, and no man can forget that.

7. Learn His Attraction Triggers


It’s time to tap on the psychological part of getting him to fall in love with you for the rest of his life. Learning a man’s attraction triggers isn’t as easy as you would imagine.

Every man is different, yet they all ten to respond to certain triggers similarly.

I offer you a full e-book on the topic to give you the knowledge you need to pick up the phone and make him come to your step door just minutes later. The book is written by James Bauer – the worldwide famous relationship coach (and yes, I have his permission to distribute it for free). Click here to download it for free.

8. Surprise Him Often

While men are believed to be the one who offers romantic surprises, women should take notes too. You don’t want to be the only one who does it, yet returning the gesture is always appreciated.

Surprise him often and in the right way, maybe based on his attraction triggers (did you get your e-book?)

I also have a video with 7 romantic surprises you could watch below (no, that’s not the video I initially talked about, it’s a bonus for you). See it below.

9. Make Him Need You In His Life


You don’t want to make him dependable on you and vice versa. None of you needs the other to be a happy and functioning human being.

But making him need you in his life has nothing to do with the toxic idea most relationship coaches push around.

A man needs you in his life when you provide him with gentleness, happy and joyful moments, valuable conversations, care and thoughtfulness, true love and understanding, appreciation and respect.

How do you do all that, though? The next point is your answer.

10. Let Him Be A Man Around You

Women often forget that men need to be the leaders, providers, and fighters in the relationship no matter the evolution.

One thing I’ve learned for the five years of my relationship with my fiancé is that the more he looks after me, the more he loves me. He spoils me, and he loves it (let me say, it’s mutual, I am not just receiving but also giving).

Letting a man be a man and fight for you, spoil you and earn you is what will glue him to you forever. So if you truly wish to win a man’s heart, you want to let him be a man. How? Now is the time to watch that video I mentioned at the beginning of this post. Click here to watch it now.

Don’t forget to get your free e-book with the attraction triggers by James Bauer.

Conclusion on the Ways To Make Him Fall In Love With You Forever

If you read through all of the points above, got your free book, and watched the video, you are certainly a few steps ahead in getting him to fall in love with you.

Love and relationships aren’t so simple and easy, so getting the knowledge and trying different ways to make things happen is what will make you succeed. The only additional advice I would give you is to be sure that you don’t lose yourself in the process of finding true love.

Click here to watch a video on how to make him fall in love with you forever.

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How To Make Him Fall In Love With You Forever

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